
This repository contains an fully functional, but basic PHP / HTML implementation of a Dropcart Webshop.

This project is maintained by dropcart

Dropcart Webshop

See also https://dropcart.github.io/webshop-frontend.

Zie ook https://dropcart.github.io/webshop-frontend.


Are you looking for the PHP Client? Please visit the Dropcart PHP Client repository

Dropcart makes it extremely easy setting up an online shop. All orders, payments and invoices are created and processed automatically. There is no need for for pushing the order manually to a wholesaler, or to create a package slip, or whatever.

This repository contains an fully functional, but basic PHP / HTML implementation of Dropcart.


  1. Download the latest release of this repository: https://github.com/dropcart/webshop-frontend/releases
  2. Upload (via (S)FTP) the (extracted) files to your server.
  3. Extract all the contents of the .zip file in your webroot folder. Sometimes this folder is called public_html or htdocs.
  4. Create the folder templates/compilation_cache when it doesn’t exist. And chmod it to 777.
  5. (optional) To customize the base colors of your webshop, copy and paste the snippet below in the “/public/css/custom.css” file and change the color codes to your liking:
      :root {
    --primary-color: #d5d5d5 !important;
    --secondary-color: #e5e5e5 !important;
    --secondary-link-text-color: #777 !important;
    --shoppingcart-bg-color: #28a745 !important;
    --shoppingcart-text-color: #fff !important;
  6. (optional) Replace the logo by replacing logo.png in the folder /public/images/logo/.
    1. Make sure you give the replacement logo the same name: logo.png


First copy the file config/config.php.example and rename it to config/config.php. Change the values in the file to your demands. Please check at least the emphasized options, those are mandatory.

APP_ENV The environment the app will be installed on. Normally you can leave this to ‘live’
APP_DEBUG When this value is set to ‘true’ it will output technical debug information on errors. This is not desired in production. Leave it to ‘false’
APP_TIMEZONE The timezone where you operate. CET = central eastern time.
APP_LOCALE This configuration is in preparation to multilingual support. For now ‘NL’ is fine.
DROPCART_KEY Here you have to paste your Dropcart public key. Please login to the management console and you’ll find it in the settings of your store
DROPCART_SECRET Please paste your Dropcart secret here.
DROPCART_ENDPOINT You can change the REST endpoint here. Normally you’ll use: ‘https://rest-api.v3.dropcart.nl/v4/store’
TIMEOUT This is the max amount of time a request to the Dropcart servers may take. 5.0 is a good max amount
SITE_NAME Set you desired store name.
SITE_SLUG Set the slogan of your store or leave empty when you don’t use a slogan
BASE_URL This is used when your assets live on an other domain. Normally ‘/’ is sufficient
MULTILINGUAL Don’t do anything for now. So ‘false’ is fine
COUNTRIES Don’t do anything for now. So ‘Nederland’ is fine
TEMPLATE_PATH Change only when you know what you’re doing. The path to the Twig templates.
CACHE_PATH Change only when you know what you’re doing. The path to the Twig cache.
AUTO_RELOAD Change only when you know what you’re doing. Whether Twig uses auto reloading


This code is published under the MIT license.


Please file an GitHub issue when there are errors in this code.

When failing to install please contact us: info@dropcart.nl


Ben je op zoek naar de PHP Client? Bezoek de Dropcart PHP Client repository

Met Dropcart is het opzetten van een webshop bijzonder eenvoudig. Alle bestellingen, betalingen en facturen worden automatisch aangemaakt en verwerkt. Het is dus niet meer nodig om handmatig een bestelling bij een groothandel in te voeren, pakbon te verzenden etcetera.

Deze repository bevat een volledig functioneel, maar basale PHP / HTML implementatie van een Dropcart webshop.


  1. Download de laatste release van deze repository: https://github.com/dropcart/webshop-frontend/releases
  2. Upload (via (S)FTP) de (uitgepakte) bestanden naar je server.
  3. Pak het gehele .zip bestand uit in de webroot-map van jouw webhosting. De naam van deze map verschilt per webhosting soms heet deze public_html of htdocs.
  4. Maak de map templates/compilation_cache aan als deze nog niet bestaat. Zet de rechten naar 777.
  5. (optioneel) Om de basis kleuren van de websop aan te passen kan de onderstaande code worden overgenomen in het “/public/css/custom.css” bestand. Pas vervolgens de kleurcodes aan naar wens:
      :root {
    --primary-color: #d5d5d5 !important;
    --secondary-color: #e5e5e5 !important;
    --secondary-link-text-color: #777 !important;
    --shoppingcart-bg-color: #28a745 !important;
    --shoppingcart-text-color: #fff !important;
  6. (optioneel) Het logo vervang je door in de map /public/images/logo/, logo.png te vervangen.
    1. Let erop dat je het vervangende logo dezelfde naam geeft: logo.png


Kopieer het bestand config/config.php.example and hernoem het naar config/config.php. Wijzig de waardes in het bestand naar jouw wensen.
Bekijk in elk geval de dikgedrukte opties; deze zijn verplicht.

APP_ENV The environment the app will be installed on. Normally you can leave this to ‘live’
APP_DEBUG When this value is set to ‘true’ it will output technical debug information on errors. This is not desired in production. Leave it to ‘false’
APP_TIMEZONE The timezone where you operate. CET = central eastern time.
APP_LOCALE This configuration is in preparation to multilingual support. For now ‘NL’ is fine.
DROPCART_KEY Plak hier je Dropcart public key. Login op het managment console en je vind de sleutel onder de instellingen van je winkel.
DROPCART_SECRET Plak hier je Dropcart secret. (HOUD DEZE GEHEIM!)
DROPCART_ENDPOINT You can change the REST endpoint here. Normally you’ll use: ‘https://rest-api.v3.dropcart.nl/v4/store’
TIMEOUT This is the max amount of time a request to the Dropcart servers may take. 5.0 is a good max amount
SITE_NAME Geef je winkel een naam.
SITE_SLUG Stel de slogan van je winkel in, of laat leeg als je geen slogan gebruikt.
BASE_URL This is used when your assets live on an other domain. Normally ‘/’ is sufficient
MULTILINGUAL Don’t do anything for now. So ‘false’ is fine
COUNTRIES Don’t do anything for now. So ‘Nederland’ is fine
TEMPLATE_PATH Change only when you know what you’re doing. The path to the Twig templates.
CACHE_PATH Change only when you know what you’re doing. The path to the Twig cache.
AUTO_RELOAD Change only when you know what you’re doing. Whether Twig uses auto reloading


Deze code is beschikbaar gesteld onder de MIT-licentie.


Mocht je fouten ontdekken in de code maak dan een GitHub-issue aan.

Lukt het installeren niet, neem dan contact met ons op: info@dropcart.nl